Our Conscious Business Culture

Can we provide more positive value for ourselves, our environment and our business? At Boom we have been asking ourselves these questions for quite some time. What would this entail and how could we make it work? We do not have a physical product that could be produced in a sustainable way like Patagonia, nor are we a non-profit organization like Charity: Water. So, can we actually make a difference as an agency? We went for the answer YES and started working on our conscious business culture.

Instead of focusing on the one big thing, we decided to take a closer look at our current business practices and challenge ourselves to think outside the box. Part of this process was embracing a triple-bottom-line mindset, asking ourselves how we could drive positive change for our team (people), our environment (planet), and our company (profit). We went ahead and considered the following questions:

How can we improve our waste management?


Our headquarters is located in the midst of nature and we care about the environment. That’s why we decided to recycle all of the waste produced at Boom. We also try to buy products in bulk (e.g. coffee) to avoid additional packaging. Additionally, we’ve reduced our printing to a bare minimum, and use recycled or scrap paper. Even our business cards are made out of recycled T-shirt clippings (very excited about this one)! 

How can we have an impact outside the office, too?

Through leading by example.

Starting this year, we’ve initiated monthly challenges inspired by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. For March we challenged ourselves to drink more water and create awareness for the world water crisis. The goal? Drink 1,5 liters per person per day for better hydration. If not, 1€ was tossed into a collective sum, which Boom doubled at the end of the month and donated to charity.

For April we went vegetarian to eat healthier and reduce our carbon footprint. Part of this challenge was also to cook together on Fridays. One week we got a box full of veggies from a local farmer and made ratatouille together. Delicious! We communicate all of our #BoomChallenges on our social channels and in our newsletter to inspire our followers and clients to think about their own impacts, and join us if they’re able.

Once a quarter we try to make some time to go and support a local cause. This could be giving a course at an elderly home, or cooking for a homeless shelter. It strengthens us as a team and gives us the opportunity to create a positive impact outside of our office space. 

How can we reduce our carbon footprint?

By traveling by public transportation. 

Whenever possible and if time allows, we use public transportation to come to the office, go to meetings or travel to conferences. Our agency is closely located to a train station and bus stop, which makes things a lot easier. During the warmer months we encourage everybody to come by bike.

In addition to the tweaks we’ve already implemented, we will constantly work towards becoming a more conscious business. Our plans for this year include initiatives to support young talent through mentorships and workshops. We will keep on challenging ourselves throughout the year to become more conscious about ourselves and our environment. Join us on Instagram via #BoomChallenge, or sign-up for our monthly Social Media Trends Updates to stay informed. We hope to inspire you to think about the positive impact you can have. We can’t wait to hear your stories!